Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Goodmama Love

I have found the Goodmama love, as they say. It's an elite club of cloth diaperer's around the world. You gotta get some, if you are into that type of thing. Scott would kill me if he knew how much they cost but they are so cute and that justifies everything. Suzanne (the owner and creator of Goodmamas) really figured something out. Moms will pay for their babies to have organic bamboo velour against their butts and cute prints to cover them up. Man, I am in love. Pretty sad considering it is something she poops in.

In the meantime, Hannah is completely unimpressed with her snazzy new diaper. She has found a new love for her hands and feet. She can hardly believe that they came in the total package. She is quite in awe of her new discovery.

It's the little things...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG I love the banana outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!Let us see a monkey picture too.
J & T