Sunday, September 23, 2007


You have become almost insistent that you feed yourself these days. You are surprisingly good at it. Most of it gets to your mouth. You prefer the double fisted approach where you have a spoon in each hand and you are equally good with both hands. Maybe we have a ambidextrous little girl on our hands. This only adds to the fact that I already think you are a genius. You also love yogurt! You insist on having it for breakfast and at least one other time during the day. You are not happy in the morning until you go to the fridge and pick out your yogurt. You love it and any flavor will do. I think Key Lime Pie was the flavor of the day in this picture.
You also had a well-baby visit on Friday, September 21st. You weighed in at 23lbs 13oz (50th percentile) and you are 32 inches tall (75th percentile). Much to our new doctor's amazement, you also have a head that measures 50cm (above an beyond the 99th percentile) in circumference. He did tell us he was a little concerned with your "proverbial big head" but that he would watch it and see how you do in the coming months. Overall, you are in excellent health and developing beautifully.
You can now say all kinds of words on command and it is so cute! Especially when you say "baby". You do the sign for baby and in a high pitch voice you say "baby" as plain as day. It melts my heart and brings a tear to my eye every time. The list of words include mama, dada, papa, bye-bye, hi, ball, and baby. Her sitter swears she can say pretzel and watermelon but we have yet to hear those come out of her mouth.
Also, I need to edit that you WERE sleeping through the night when I wrote that last post but you have since reverted to your old routine and we are lucky if we get 4-5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I keep telling Daddy that one day you won't want to be in our bed and on that day we will miss you terribly. You are growing so fast and sometimes I wish I could just make time stand still so you could be my baby forever.
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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Pooping on the Floor…..

In less than one week, you have pooped on the floor 3 times. We are assuming this is a sign that you are getting ready to be potty-trained. I think I read that somewhere. On Monday you had diarrhea and squirted on the floor at Leigh’s house while we were their Labor Day guests. I thought it was just because your tummy was upset. I was wrong. Way wrong. Thursday night, after your bath, I went to get your PJs and I left you diaper-free. You pooped in the floor. Yep, two little turds. You turned and picked one up. Dad thought it was awesome. I thought it was disgusting and promptly scrubbed you clean. Today, I took your diaper off when we got home and you pooped on the floor, only I didn't know about it until I went to put your diaper on less than 3 minutes later. To my surprise, I laid you down and you had poop all over your legs. Dad was on all fours cleaning up the mess and needless to say, you had your bath early. I think we will dig out the ol’ potty seat and try to teach you what it is for.

In other news, you pretty much know all your body parts. You have some trouble with “eye” but I assume it is because it sounds similar to the others. I caught you on tape yesterday and you did them all. It is so cute to hear you say “belly button”. It is more like “bee-bees”. So cute and very smart for a 15 month old!

We went on our first visit to Sea World today. You were not appreciative of the 45 minute wait to see the Shamu show. You finally settled down and the killer whales kept your attention for about 15 minutes. You seemed to enjoy our picnic lunch more than anything. You conked out after the shark tunnel and we went home. I am sure there will be many more trips to Sea World.

You also love to give kisses. You will pucker up your cute little lips and say “Mmmmma”. You like to gives lots of kisses in succession. It is the sweetest thing and I love being the recipient of those wet kisses.

For the best news of all, you are finally sleeping through the night. Although many parents celebrate this milestone within the first few months, we are excited to finally get a full night sleep. You are also spending the night in your own room, in your own crib. I do miss your snuggles and for a couple of nights I let you sleep next to me but I soon realized that everyone sleeps better in their own bed.

You are growing up too fast and I can’t believe you were once so tiny and new.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Naughty, but Cute...

You have really learned some new things these past few days. You can, without a doubt, say the words "ball" and "ice" and you know what they mean.

You love Mimi's ice machine in the refrigerator and run to watch the ice come out. In the afternoon's when Mimi has a glass of ice water, you run to sit with her so you can have ice. You seem to have an obsession with ice in general. If you are given a sip of any one's drink and it has ice in it, you have to put your hands in the ice. I can give you large chunks of ice and you will happily suck on it till it's gone. You also just learned the word "ball" and you are quite the rebounder when we play with your new basketball set. You look so emphatic when you say it, like your brain is really working hard to make that 'b' sound.

You have also learned more body parts. You know where your nose, ear, and belly button are. It is so cute to ask you where your belly button is. You lift your shirt, point to it, and say "Be-bu-ton", in your own cute way. I must ask you a dozen times a day to show me your bellybutton because it tickles me so much to see you do it.

Daddy taught you where the clouds were yesterday. Now when we ask you where the clouds are, you immediately point to the sky. We give you praise every time and now you will look at us and clap. You are so proud of yourself.

You also can be very naughty. Daddy and I were so embarrassed on Sunday evening because you would not behave in Coco's while we were having pie with Grandpa, Mimi, and their friends. We had to leave - a first for us. You also like to get into cabinets and drawers. You will pull out all of the food from the cabinet and your latest favorite is getting into Mimi's make-up. We are trying to teach you and I keep telling myself that there will be some major "tomato staking" when we get settled.

You also love to go outside. Thanks to Daddy, you actually get to go outside. You pick up all the rocks and run to show us, like it is a treasure. You would spend all day out there if we let you.
We are getting ready to embark on our new journey in a few days. We had to return to Arizona for a couple of weeks to wait on Daddy's company to finish some legalities. We are enjoying Grandpa and Mimi but are anxious to get into our own routine again.

Finally - San Diego - here we come!

Friday, August 3, 2007


In the last few days you can really get going, You have now figured out how to run and run fast. You run from us and we are trying to nip that in the bud. You think running is the coolest thing and you have the silliest grin on your face as you run across the floor.

Much to my credit, you now know where your nose is. I have been working with you for a couple of weeks but I am sure now that you know. If you say, "Alexis, where is your nose?", you point to your nose, every time, without fail. Most times you stick your finger in your nose. I hope this is not a sign of habits to come.

Today. I was getting ready to go to lunch and I was curling my hair at Mom's vanity. You were being overly whiny (as it seems you are a lot lately) and Mimi tried to distract you by asking you to show her the dog. There was a picture of a dog on an advertisement paper lying on the ground. You looked at her and walked away. You went into the kitchen and found your Touch and Feel book with the dog in it and brought it back to Mimi. She then asked you where the dog was and you opened the book to the dog page. If that wasn't enough, she showed you the picture of the fish and you very clearly said "fish". I was amazed, as was your Mimi.

You seemed to have missed the memo that you aren't supposed to have separation anxiety until 15 months. I can't leave the room without you following me and chanting, "mamamamama", while holding your arms in the air. It is quite a pathetic sight but it is cute enough for me to always pick you up. You seemed to prefer me from birth, literally. The night you were born you would not stay in the bassinet, even when the nurse insisted that you could not sleep with me in my hospital bed. You didn't want Daddy were only satisfied with me and you have continued on that streak everyday for the last 14 months. I really don't mind because I know that one day I won't be your #1 pick to hang out with.

Tomorrow we leave Prescott for California on this new chapter in our lives. Hang on, girl, it's gonna be a wild ride.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


You are so when you have a cell phone (or regular phone) in your hand and one of us says "hello", you put the phone up to your ear and attempt a "hello" but it comes out more as a "oho". You have watched me spend hours on the phone since you were born and countless hours hearing my voice on the phone while you were in utero, so it is no surprise that you know what to do at the ripe old age of 14 months. I tease Daddy that it is a matter of months before you will need your own cell phone. Maybe a baby Blue Tooth...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

New Words

You are saying the cutest things! My favorite is "deeshh". Like you are saying "this" but with an accent. Among the ongoing list is "seeshh", "a-dith", "bwupp", and "Suzy" when you see Grammie and Papa's cat. Your vocabulary is blooming and I am sure that one day you will talk our ears off.

You still do what Daddy coined as the "car starter" cry. When you are really mad you get so worked up that your cry sounds exactly like a car starting. It is a flashback from your early days especially since you have lost a lot of the cute things you used to do like sticking out your pouty lip and the unmistakable raccoon eyes. Every now and again you will say "ah-whoo" and it is so adorable and reminds me of your sweet newborn smell and tiny body.

In other news, Daddy was offered a position at General Atomics in San Diego, California. We will be moving there in just a couple of weeks. You are such a little trooper...traveling with us as we find our way in the world. You are already been to more places in your short life than I had been at age 20. Life is changing but I am looking forward to all the new and exciting things we will explore together.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


You have learned to point your finger and have someone come and touch it with their pointed finger, just as the 1980's movie "E.T." It is so cute and everyone laughs when you do it. You used to come across the room when someone would point and put your tiny finger up to theirs but now you point and wave your tiny finger until someone comes up and touches it with their pointed finger. It seems as though it is your connection to the adult world, either that or you love the attention you get when you do it.

We are in California now on the search for employment. It is as if we are nomads, traveling from one place to the next. I feel so guilty that you do not have a place to call home and I am sure you are confused when you wake up and find yourself in a new place almost every day. You are adapting much better than I anticipated and you have more strength in your tiny body than Daddy and I seem to have put together. You are strong, just as I dreamed you would be.

On another note, you continue to fall in love with all of the pets you come across. You love Suzy, Grammie and Papa's cat. She is almost bigger than you and yet you still tackle her, in your own gentle way. She puts up with it for the most part...I think she realizes that you are little. You loved playing with your cousin Shelby and it took a lot of sleeping today to recover from the last few days of playing with her. You follow her like she is your newest hero. You want to do all the things she does and it is so cute to see you try. You are precious and although I am proud to watch you grow, it still saddens me that everyday you grow, you are that much closer to not being a baby anymore.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

July 8th, 2007

I have leaped into the blogging world. I hope to use this as a journal of your toddler years. I spend enough time on the computer that I should do something meaningful besides surfing the glorious world-wide web. I was sad that the infamous 1st year calendar was sealed a few weeks ago. I thought of buying a journal and jotting things down but this just seemed easier...or maybe I am just lazy. Whatever the reason, you will have my thoughts written down as we travel through the toddler years. I hope that in 20 years, you can read this and laugh at your humble beginnings.

Today you are 13 months, 2 weeks, and 1 day old. You have suddenly changed into a "kid". You, of course, are still very much my baby, but you have an attitude that is emerging rather quickly. A much referenced website, is sited as saying,

"Communication with your 13-month-old is getting more sophisticated all the time. She's probably got the hang of "Dada," "Mama," and a few other recognizable words, though she's still quite good at making her desires known without much vocabulary. When she wants down, she'll point down; when she wants your attention, she'll tug your shirt. She's also understanding a good percentage of the simple language you use around her every day, so be sure to talk to her and read to her as much as possible."

I seem to have missed the part about the squealing temper and utter defiance? Who is this child? You have started to insist on having everything your way.....we are working on modifying that. You have a mind of your own, that is for sure. You seem to understand everything we say, and if it is some sort of command then you decide whether or not to listen. There are times that you are told no and you will look around to see if anyone is watching and you sneak to do it again. You can be such a little stinker!

You have just learned how to click with your tongue. I am not sure where you learned to do it but it sure is cute! You love animals. We went to visit some friends today and they had dogs - were you ever excited! You wouldn't take your eyes off of them. I am sure that one day you will have to have a puppy - but I have a lot of convincing to do with Daddy. Your hair is also growing...Grandpa says it didn't grow until you came to Arizona. You have a total of 8 teeth...all of them came with much pain and hardship on your part. I never knew how miserable a baby could be when they are teething!

You continue to nurse throughout the day and night. You are such a wiggle worm when you nurse. It seems as though you wish you could just take them with you...too bad they are attached to my body. You say "mama", "mom", "dada", "this" and "that". You are constantly "talking". It is almost all incomprehensible but you are so cute when you really have something important to say. You have this serious look about you and we just know that whatever you are saying must be earth-shattering! You also love to get into cabinets and close doors. You will close every open door you pass by. You are the entertainment!

I purchased the cutest, but most impractical and silly outfit on Saturday. What little girl doesn't need butterfly wings and a tutu? So cute as you can see for yourself...

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

You are so precious and I am blessed to be able to witness you growing up.
