Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hannah Banana

My poor children. I decided that for Halloween this year that Alexis would be a monkey (it suits her personality) and Hannah would be a banana. Pretty darn cute, if you ask me. Plus, I have good blackmail pictures when they go out on their first like, 25 years.

I have a appointment for pictures tomorrow. That should be interesting considering Alexis refuses to put on her monkey costume. Maybe a bribe with her all-time favorite, lollipops. Then again, I may have ruined that one with the several she has had in the last few days for going pee-pee on the potty. They may have lost their luster by now.

On the cuteness factor, Alexis wins major points for the day. I was sitting in her playroom with her this morning with Hannah in my lap. We were playing with her toys and I found the lone princess tiara that she was given for her birthday. She has probably only played with it less than 5 times and really doesn't know about the princesses. We haven't embarked on that Disney journey yet. Anyway, I put the tiara on Hannah and she looks at Hannah and says, "Oh, baby Hannah! You are a princess too!". How sweet is that?? She loves her baby sister so much and I am so glad. My hope is that they will be the best of friends for a lifetime to come.

I embarked on a cloth diaper journey back in March. I switched Alexis completely over and did lots of research while pregnant with Hannah. Hannah came along and I have done all cloth on her since she was about 5 weeks old. Last week, I found a site called Diaper Swappers. I am hooked. Not only does it have all kinds of information, but you can buy, sell, or trade anything cloth diaper related. I have decided to try one of everything. Wish me luck, this should be interesting.

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